Plant-Based Wellness
Jan 29, 2024
Enduring Hearts and Essential Candy Partner for Heart Month
Enduring Hearts, the only national non-profit solely funding research benefiting pediatric heart transplant recipients, announces a new partnership with Essential Candy, a holistic candy company focused on creating all-natural healthy hard candy infused with pure essential oils and plant botanicals to promote health and wellbeing. Throughout the month of February, nationally recognized as “heart month”, the partnership will raise awareness and critical funding for pediatric heart transplant research.
Jun 1, 2023
Nature's Soothing Secret To Stomach Upset: Essential Candy's Digestive Blend
Discover the sweet secret to digestive well-being with Essential Candy's Digestive Blend. Crafted with a blend of lemon, ginger, peppermint, and slippery elm, this delightful candy offers a natural way to support digestive comfort. But it's not just about candy; it's about embracing the power of plants and the spirit of compassion.
Feb 7, 2023
Sweetness in Simplicity: The Benefits of Organic Raw Unrefined Cane Sugar in Essential Candy
In a world filled with sugar alternatives and complex sweeteners, Essential Candy embraces a simple yet remarkable ingredient: organic raw unrefined cane sugar. This unassuming sweetener not only elevates the taste of our hard candies but also delivers distinct advantages when compared to other sugars, refined options, sugar-free alternatives, and natural sweeteners that may cause stomach upset.